Our Studio
1520 Sansom Street 3rd Floor (above the shoe store)
Philadelphia, PA
(215) 977-9642
Hot Yoga Philadelphia was founded in 2002 by Joel Pier. Joel was the original pioneer of Bikrams Yoga in Philadelphia. Joel instilled many elements of the yogi lifestyle into our lives here in Philly. His relatable approach and kind heart made him one of the most beloved Bikram Yoga Teachers of all time.
Joel Pier sold Hot Yoga Philadelphia to Katelynn Ingersoll in 2011. Katelynn kept our standards high with her value to the studio and the practice. Katelynn started a family in 2020 and relocated to Gainsville, Flordia in 2021. Katelynn sold HYP to Byron Franklin in 2023 and Byron is the current owner of HYP.
Byron and his diligent efforts has preserved HYP with the old school style of Bikrams Yoga that Philly has always loved. At Hot Yoga Philadelphia we pride ourselves with our yoga teaching to meet each student at exactly where they are. This style helps us find where we are and helps bring us to the place where we want to be. There’s no shame about where you come from and where you’re trying to go. Let us help you with this journey.
First timer? - Here’s a few recommendations:
All of the classes that we offer are designed for beginners and first time to yoga or pilates friends so don’t be shy!
First and Foremost be sure to check in with your primary care physician to make sure it’s safe for you to start a hot yoga or hot pilates practice.
Next, take a look at our schedule and see what class works best for you. Our classes start and end on time, plan to arrive at least 10-20 minutes before the scheduled time. Parking and traveling into Center City can be tricky so please give yourself the extra time.
On your first day of class Make sure you’re hydrated. This doesn’t mean chugging water as you’re running into the studio, try to have plenty of water throughout your day. Also, try to not eat 2-3 hours before the class time. If you’re the type of person that eats frequently and 2-3 hours without food sounds challenging for you (we get it), eat something light like a banana or fruit. The most important is you don’t want a lot of food in your stomach or water swishing around as you’re trying to do your yoga.
But what will I wear!? Imagine you’re going for a run on a day thats over 100 degrees. Cotton turns into a mess! Most retail outlets sell all sorts of yoga clothing and active wear, these are great, but the most important thing is that you’re comfortable and not in anything binding or cumbersome. Most guys wear swim/board shorts, running shorts, or speedos. Most women wear sports bra’s/tank tops and shorts. Our non binary friends tend to find a lovely mix of these two styles that work best for them. One thing thats important is you want to be able to see your knees. We use mirrors in our practice for self corrections, and if your knees are visible, it will definitely help you on your yoga and pilates journey.
After class: Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate! Remember regular water isn’t enough. You lose a lot through the sweating process, like sodium and potassium. These minerals are necessary for our muscles to hold onto the hydration we consume. Without these minerals, our bodies can become dehydrated, which leads to cramping, headaches, stomach aches and many other dehydration issues. Electrolytes, sports drinks and fresh pressed juices will help as well as a healthy and nutrient rich diet.
Please chat with us about any of these recommendations, we love to talk and it’s important to us that you’re getting as much from your practice as possible, with minimal struggles…. lets save the struggles for the practice!
About Our Founder - Joel Pier
Joel Pier began practicing Bikram Yoga in 1994 while living in Key West, Florida. He had just returned from traveling extensively for fourteen years across Indonesia, Thailand, Nepal, Hong Kong, Japan and India studying yoga, practicing martial arts, and distributing food to the poor. Upon his return to the states, a friend suggested he try “hot yoga” to heal an old painful injury in his lower back, neck and shoulder.
Joel’s journey to the East started in 1974. After having his first experience with yoga back in the sixties in California he decided to travel to a small village in West Bengal known as Mayapur, located on the banks of the river Ganges. There he served in a growing bhakti-yoga community lead by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, whom he embraced as his spiritual guide and teacher.
Pursuing his interest in Martial Arts and Yoga, Joel studied classical style of stick fighting known in West Bengal as "Lati Keli" and practiced hatha yoga with many local teachers and participants, also investing time in studying ancient rare texts on the practice of hatha-yoga. He also went to study Aikido in Japan, acquiring a second-degree black belt in that modality.
Going back to Joel’s first experience with Bikram Yoga, he recalls fearing he would have to stop after the second or third posture due to painful restrictions his old injuries had imposed on him.
"After the very first class, I knew it would help my back," Pier recalls. "I crawled home, and crawled back to the studio the next day." completely convinced and sold on the healing benefits of Bikram’s hatha-based yoga series.
Because of the positive effects this practice had on his health, Joel Pier felt inspired to become a teacher, and in 1995 he decided to attend to third Bikram Yoga Teacher Training program, held in Los Angeles. At the time, there were only thirty students taking the training.
Joel Pier received direct instructions from Bikram himself, as he would teach the majority of classes and posture clinics. Bikram would give detailed descriptions regarding postures, benefits and corrections. Thus, Joel Pier acquired a vast of knowledge and insight on the Bikram series, which in turn qualified him to be one of only a dozen instructors authorized by Bikram to give workshops.
Joel departed from this world on January 30, 2022. His influence is preserved in the walls, floors, and windows of our beautiful studio and we strive to honor his legacy as a yoga community. “I love yoga and yoga loves me”