Our Instructors

Providing you with first class instruction is our goal. Let our team of highly qualified and experienced instructors guide you on your yoga journey.

  • Byron Franklin

    Byron Franklin is the owner of Hot Yoga Philadelphia, since February 2023.  He moved to Philly from San Diego in 2000.  Byron was dancing at University of the Arts when he met Joel Pier in 2002.  Joel had just opened Hot Yoga Philadelphia, and quickly noticed how the yoga was helping manage his depression and panic disorder.  

    At that time he was taking 150mg of Zoloft and Klonopin to manage his anxiety and panic disorder he was struggling with since a young age.  After developing a yoga practice with Joel at HYP, he quickly stopped taking the drugs and was able to feel alive again.  The competitive nature of dancing was one of the reasons he left dancing and began practicing full time.

    In early 2003 Byron went to Bikram Teacher Training and came back to Philly and began teaching and managing at Hot Yoga Philadelphia.  Byron loved sharing the practice with Philly and quickly noticed how the calming effects and many other benefits are necessary for Philadelphia.

    In 2008 he moved to NYC and taught Bikram Yoga in Union Square, Williamsburg, Park Slope, South Slope, and Grand Central studio locations.  He helped Rafaele Pacitti manage and taught at his studios in SoHo, Greenwich Village and Chelsea.  Byron left NYC in 2013 and briefly taught at Bikram Yoga Louisville.  Then moved to LA and taught at Stretch in Burbank, Hot Yoga Downtown LA, Bikram Yoga South Pasadena and Hot Yoga Pasadena.

    Byron relocated back to Philadelphia in 2022 and began teaching again at HYP.  Immediately feeling the love and joy that our studio has always possessed, he decided to buy the studio.

    When not managing HYP’s many moving parts or teaching, Byron enjoys music, cycling, cryptocurrencies/NFT’s, cooking and eating out at Phillys many great restaurants.  Hit him up for recommendations, he’s been around the block a few times.

  • Chris Fluck

    Chris began his lifelong passion for physical culture in his teens, through martial arts training and eventually weight lifting. He designed his own programs for himself and those brave souls willing to come train with him in his garage. After a series of injuries from work, car accidents, bad posture--who knows?--Chris, like many people, developed chronic low back pain. At age 30 he discovered yoga when he returned to college to pursue a degree in Theatre after a decade of building power plants, bridges and roller coasters as a member of iron workers local 36 and drumming for various hard rock and heavy metal bands.

    Chris was hooked on Bikram from his first class on July 2, 2001; he thought it would be an ideal vehicle to help heal his many injuries. Chris attended Bikram's Fall 2002 teacher training, winning the "best dialogue" award.  Teaching his first class immediately upon returning to Philadelphia, Chris has remained a full time teacher for over 22 years. He was named Philly Mag's "Best in Philly" Best Bikram Teacher in 2012.

    His passion and curiosity for physical culture never waning, Chris continues to expand his knowledge base to help those with back pain issues. He attended the first ever Progressive Calisthenics Certification training in 2013 (Dragon Door) to maximize his knowledge of body weight strength training and conditioning, and the following year became the 300th certified teacher in the Foundation Training movement.  Using targeted core strengthening techniques, specialized breathing and posture alignment, Chris believes Foundation Training is the most effective set of accessory exercises for achieving a pain-free back.

    Outgoing, friendly and sincere, Chris is truly committed to sharing his knowledge with others.  His positive, energetic and thoughtful approach to helping students achieve their full potential is both comforting and inspiring.

  • Thayne Dibble

    Thayne was first introduced to yoga in Mysore, India where she began her studies under the direction of Bharat Shetty. Thayne completed her Bikram Yoga certification in Spring 2011. At her teacher training, she was selected by Bikram Choudhury to perform at the graduation ceremony.

    In Spring 2014, Thayne completed her Synergy Partner Yoga certification under the direction of Francisco Morales-Bermudez. In 2024, Thayne co-led a hot yoga teacher training at Hot Yoga Philadelphia.

    Thayne comes from a professional dance background, where she studied classical ballet and other forms of dance since age 3. Her dance history has contributed to her compassion for and understanding of all levels of students, including students with injuries. In addition, Thayne has experience in practicing and teaching the pregnancy series. She has participated in the PA/NJ Regional Bishnu Ghosh Yoga Asana Championships as well as the National Competition, where she placed in the top 15 of the female competitors in the United States.

    Thayne grew up in Philly and currently lives in the city with her husband and two children. She works for the Education Management Company, String Theory Schools, which operates and manages performing arts and science-based charter schools.

  • Kaitlin Mccoale

    Kaitlin has been teaching the 26x2 series across the world for over ten years. She discovered this practice in 2010 and was immediately converted when it resolved the chronic back pain related to her spinal injuries. As an instructor, her primary motivation is to help students heal and to keep practitioners of all levels coming back. She has three yoga teaching certifications and is experienced in teaching 26x2, hot hatha, hot vinyasa, Hot pilates and yin.

    You can often catch Kaitlin and Mia leading Yin Reiki and sound meditation events at HYP as well as multiple studios around Philadelphia!

  • Dan Murphy

    Dan is a self-taught artist and musician, cyclist and dad. He first came to Hot Yoga Philadelphia to paint some signage for the studio. After much procrastination, he finally decided to try a class and  was immediately hooked. After practicing the 26/2 sequence for 8 years, he was nudged into taking teacher training, with no intention of becoming a teacher. After teaching a few classes to fulfill the requirements of the training, Dan decided to take ownership of this new skill and become one of Hot Yoga Philadelphia’s most beloved teachers. He sees his teaching truly as a service, intending to help and welcome people to this wonderful practice that changes lives.

  • Marie Murphy

    Marie is Pilates, Sculpt, Yoga, and HIIT certified instructor with over 7 years of teaching experience. She loves sharing her love of movement with others and seeing the confidence & strength (physical & mental) it can give someone. Marie strives to create classes that are challenging and accessible to all students, offering both modifications and amplifications for varying levels . Striving to create an encouraging and welcoming space  for everyone,  Marie wants you to leave class feeling like your best selfs. You can expect to work hard and have fun! 

  • Leo Eisenstein

    The room is dimly lit and hot. As The door opens, and you hear a deep voice softly exclaim “rise and  shine my friends”, and the lights come up. Everybody stands up, comes to the edge of their mat and waits as the teacher announces the first breathing exercise. just from the way the teacher looks you can tell this will be something different.

    Leo is a big bald tattooed, former bartender/hockey player from Philly, that had lived a lot of life before he found in a himself at a crossroads, make a turn for the worse or make a turn for the better. He chose better. He began his practice in 2002 and hasn’t looked back!

    It all started when Leo accompanied a friend to Bikram Yoga. At the time, Leo was 408 lbs. Although it was difficult, he never felt as rejuvenated as he did after Bikram Yoga. With a regular practice and improved eating habits, Leo lost more than 220 lbs and healed several injuries. He decided to attend the Fall 2005 Bikram Yoga Teacher Training in Los Angeles. Although Leo wanted to improve his practice, he wanted to become a teacher first - not a yoga athlete. Since Leo believes yoga facilitates life, he strives to make everyone's practice in the hot room easer, so life can become a little easier too.

  • Derrick Jaques

    Teaching credentials: Bikram's Yoga College of India Teacher Training. Las Vegas, Spring 2010

    Derrick is a musical theatre performing artist who loves singing, dancing, and acting. With a background in music and vocal performance his teaching style is dialogue-driven, while keeping the energy bright, the pace moving, and by connecting the movement to the breath with a smiling, happy face.

    Derrick began practicing Bikram yoga while living in New York City in 2009. After completing teacher training in 2010 he has regularly taught at studios all over the country, including: Bikram Yoga Harlem, Bikram Yoga San Jose, Bikram Yoga La Jolla, Hot Yoga Richmond and even more as a guest teacher.

    What he loves most about teaching Bikram is connecting with students, and helping them surprise themselves. As a student himself, he loves the many healing benefits of the 26+2 series. He has used this yoga to heal from dance-related injuries; including a knee surgery in 2019 and achilles tendon surgery in 2021.

  • Maddie Roxandich

    Maddie has been a certified PyroPilates instructor since 2021. As a former athlete who was disinterested in ordinary workout routines, Maddie’s workouts previously consisted of sports-related activities, until a knee injury put her on the sidelines. Maddie began coming to Pilates classes more consistently at Hot Yoga Philadelphia to repair her injuries and was pleasantly surprised at the changes she experienced in her body over time.

    In Maddie’s Pilates classes, you can expect to develop your own personalized practice, as she will provide you with modifications and amplifications to allow you to challenge yourself at your own pace. You’ll sweat to a fast-paced workout with music ranging from pop to hip-hop and dance, as well as some fun throwbacks. You’ll also be reminded to connect breath to movement to promote grounding. Maddie will remind you that the brain quits before the body, and in class she will share occasional psychological tips to help you move beyond your perceived limitations and increase your all-around strength, flexibility, and endurance.

    As a PA licensed psychologist, Maddie promotes holistic wellness and healing with her clients and works to embody this in her own life and share it with others.

    In 2024, Maddie underwent a 300-hour training to become a certified yoga teacher under HYP’s instructors Thayne Dibble and Katelynn Ingersoll and is excited to have another lifelong passion.

  • Tina Crisanti

    Tina started her yoga journey in late 2015.  She was an avid long distance runner, running about 25 miles per week. Once she started taking hot yoga classes, she discovered how the healing benefits assisted with her running, and soon stopped her daily running to start a daily hot yoga practice.

    Tina started on HYP’s work study program (rip) in late 2016.  In late 2017 she began running HYP’s front desk and was finally promoted to manager in 2021. If you have visited the studio in the last 8 years, chances are Tina has checked you into class at least once. 

    Bikram Yoga Teacher Training Fall 2023, voted Tina the “Best Yogini" Award of her class for the intense 9 weeks of her training. Tina is a tried and true staple of Hot Yoga Philly’s community.

  • Rob Cancel

    200HR Hot Yoga Certification with Yoga Alliance through Synergy Yoga with Hot Yoga Philadelphia 200HR Vinyasa Certification with Yoga Alliance through Dhyana Yoga 25HR Yin Immersion Certification through Hot Yoga Philadelphia

    Rob discovered yoga as a college elective in 2004 and continued practicing in Philly in 2005. Hot yoga changed his life for the better when he discovered the HYP studio back around 2011. He is grateful to be a part of this loving and vibrant community. After years of practice, he finally had the chance to take it to the next level and get certified as a teacher. He is very excited to continue learning, growing and sharing his love for yoga.

  • Mia Gitzes

    Mia started at HYP as a student around 2012. Her practice didn’t become consistent until 2019 and it’s been a wrap ever since. After falling deeply in love with the practice and after covid turned the world upside down she decided to take the leap and take her first YTT, at the one and only HYP. She graduated HYP YTT 200hr training in August of 2021. Since then she’s completed a 300hr and 50hr training in vinyasa and yin, and is always looking for ways to continue her learning of yogic knowledge and of herself. The best teachers are the ones who stay students.

    You can often catch Mia and Kaitlin leading Yin Reiki and sound meditation events at HYP as well as multiple studios around Philadelphia!

  • Linda Domino

    Linda has taught, practiced, and studied yoga for 25 years with many teachers and in many traditions. Moving to Philly ignited a passion for the Hot 26+2 practice and led her to HYP. Her curiosity and desire for equanimity led her to the practices of Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra many years ago. These practices continue to be essential nourishment for her body and mind. She teaches a weekly Yin practice at HYP.

  • Evan Few

    Evan began life as a yogi with his first class in the summer of 2003, and has maintained an asana practice, in one form or another, ever since. A practitioner of Original Hot Yoga since 2013, Evan has been a part of the Hot Yoga Philadelphia community since he moved to Philly in 2017. He's now honored to be guiding his fellow yogis through their practice as a teacher, having graduated from HYP's 2024 300-hour certification program, led by Thayne Dibble and Katelynn Ingersoll.

    Evan brings to his classes the same quiet intensity he cultivates in his own practice, and invites his 100% affection for the practice to infuse his teaching and communication style.

    When he's not in the hot room, it's likely Evan is playing violin, either with his Philly-based early music band, Filament, or as a freelancer onstage somewhere on the globe.

  • Samantha Morrone

    Samantha Morrone is so excited to be teaching at Hot Yoga Philadelphia! Growing up a dancer Samantha was always very attracted to how the movement in yoga promotes both strength and flexibility. Samantha began yoga in 2009 to help her process losing her father at a young age and immediately fell in love with the practice. She graduated from Bikram YTT in Fall of 2013, and graduated from Vinyasa YTT in 2018. She loves that teaching forces her to pay closer attention to her personal practice and allows her to be a cheerleader to her students while also guiding them on their yoga journey. Her classes honor tradition, attention to detail and discipline, with a little light heartedness and fun sprinkled in. 

    Samantha is extremely grateful to be a part of this thriving and wonderful community at Hot Yoga Philadelphia. When not at the studio you can find her hanging out with her English Bulldog, Blanche, singing, dancing and/or performing in any capacity.

  • Hanalei Berg

    Hanalei has maintained a regular yoga practice for 10 years and was brought to Hot Yoga Philadelphia in 2022 and introduced to the 26x2 practice for the first time. She was immediately hooked, realizing the benefits of increased focus, stress management, and relief from issues of chronic pain. As a teacher Hanalei brings a unique blend of calmness and intensity to her class, as well as integrates her work as a psychotherapist to create an inclusive and trauma-informed environment. Hanalei is certified to teach the 26x2 series and Yin yoga.

  • Eliza Gresh

    Eliza has been practicing yoga from a very young age as she was introduced to Hatha yoga by her mother. She received her Yoga Alliance Certification in 2021 from Hot Yoga Philadelphia and has been teaching classes at HYP ever since. She began practicing Hot Yoga in 2018 and continues to benefit from the benefit of alignment and mindfulness that is intrinsic in asana yoga. She believes that consistent practice has helped her gain a reflexive connection between mind and body. As you deepen your practice you will find the benefits of yoga extend beyond the practice room. Eliza is grateful for her ability to maintain yoga as a part of her life and is excited to continue teaching at the studio where it all began for her. 

  • Chalise Saunders

    Chalise began her yoga journey at the age of twelve at the recommendation from her doctor to treat her scoliosis. She practiced at home to some yoga videos for years until she found her way to her first yoga studio. While she didn't enjoy her first class, Chalise decided to come back because of how good she felt immediately afterwards. After two years of a consistent practice, she decided to become a teacher, so she could share this beautiful practice with the world. Chalise believes that yoga is for everyone and seeks to learn all that she can about the different lineages. She is certified in the Hot Yoga 26 + 2 series, Vinyasa and Yin Yoga.

  • Lauren Saull

    Lauren grew up expressing herself through movement. After a childhood of dancing, at 18 years old Lauren found herself suffering from anxiety and depression. Lauren’s discovery of Yoga and meditation was a blessing which invited her to sink deeply into her body, heart, and soul. This began her decades-long healing journey.

    Lauren guides a room through their practice, with a calm, strong, and peaceful energy. Lauren’s classes are a judgment-free space where all are invited to practice authentically and take what they need.

    In the Fall of 2002, Lauren completed her Bikram teacher training at the Bikram's Yoga College of India in a class of over 300 students. Lauren was selected as one of the graduates to perform the 26 postures at the commencement event. 22 years later, Lauren continues to generously and selflessly share the gifts of this practice.

    Lauren spent her early teaching years under the guidance of the late Joel Pier. The influence and presence of Joel can be seen and felt in the foundation of Lauren’s practice and teaching style.

    Lauren is also a practitioner of Ashtanga Yoga. She has studied with Eric Powell, Meghan Kirk, Manju Jois, Taylor Hunt, and Kino MacGregor. Lauren believes the soulful contrast between the fluid nature of Ashtanga and the structured Bikram series is pure yoga magic.

    When Lauren isn’t teaching or practicing yoga, she’s often with the other loves in her life, sons Kooper and Ryder and her beloved cat, Sage. Lauren adores the outdoors, spending time gardening, and simply reveling in this beautiful journey of life which she has learned to trust through her practice.

  • Lauren Loopie

    Several centuries ago an ancient dragon egg was discovered in a far away village. It is undocumented just when that egg hatched but from the fragments of shell emerged Lauren Loopie. Lauren has lived many lives, but in her most recent form she worked as an anthropologist in Vietnam. She made the decision to attend Bikram’s teacher training in fall of 2012 in LA and she hated it. In spite of it all she went on to complete Hatha yoga training mysore india 2013 and Ashtanga yoga training mysore india 2014.

    India was hardly her last stop as she went on to create Yoganarchy in Australia from 2015-2016, and  in New Orleans 2017-2018.  Yoganarchy is based on a gifting economy in which participants could offer goods or services in exchange for class, truly unlike any studio around. 

    Lauren has lived in over 30 countries and has a truly unique perspective that she brings to her classes. Her instruction has been crafted over hundreds of years and we promise you will leave her class aware of different elements of your practice you’d never thought about. 

    Lauren was drawn to yoga, an avid scuba diver since she was a child, she wanted a new career in which she could travel and make money and be healthy and have fun and help people! She has met countless characters along the way and can’t wait to be a part of your journey while also bringing you along for her journey as well. 

  • Mary (Guarnieri) Rubino

    Mary grew up rigorously training in classical ballet and graduated Summa Cum Laude from Temple University with dual concentrations in Acting and Musical Theater and a Minor in Dance. After graduation she was desperate for a break and decided to head to India to obtain her 200hr Yoga Certification from The Vinyasa Yoga School in Rishikesh. 

    ​After a few years of performing professionally, Mary decided to leave the stage behind and pursue a career teaching. She served as a resident Teaching Artist and Dance Coach with the Kimmel Center and Walnut Street Theatre, the Theatre and Musical Theatre director at Central High School of Philadelphia and also worked with the Philadelphia Parks and Recreation's Performing Arts Department as a Musical Theatre Camp Director. 

    Eager to marry her two passions, yoga and the arts, Mary developed the “We Make Art Here” program at The Buddha Bar in Elkins Park, where she taught hybrid childrens yoga and art classes. It was here she also began teaching Hot Pilates and started teaching yoga more regularly. 

    During COVID’s 2020 shutdown Mary was brought on as manager of Hot Yoga Philadelphia and through countless hours of tireless work, she and then studio owner, Katelynn, helped keep the business afloat. She stayed on as manager and teacher until 2022 when she relocated to Richmond, Virginia. Mary still works as a jack of all trades for HYP as a web designer, graphic designer, administrative worker, marketing and social media manager, and right hand lady to Byron and Tina. You just may see her visiting the studio from time to time. You really can’t miss her. Also she is the only person to ever have a wedding at the studio, ask for pics, it was a wild time.