Frequently Asked Questions

What if I have never done yoga before?

There is no prior yoga experience necessary to do this type of yoga. All of the Hot Yoga classes are beginner level. You will be able to do some form of the postures with your current body. Everyone is welcome to be a part of our community.

What if I have an illness, injury, or I am on medication?

Always discuss all health concerns with your medical doctor. Before class, notify your instructor about what is going on. If you have limited range of motion, we can help you feel comfortable in class. We always focus on breathing, sweating, and feeling good, rather than physically contorting our bodies. The teacher may encourage you to take it easy – know that you are on your way. This is a practice, not a sport.

What if I am nervous about being in a heated room?

This is the question of the century! Unfortunately there is no one way to answer. Everyone will feel it differently based on their own personal situations. Focus on breath rather than getting into postures. Keeping a steady, rhythmic, breath will help you stay calm. If you need to sit out a posture to catch your breath, then do it! Take care of yourself. There are places in the room where the heat is less intense – like near the windows or doors where there may be a draft. Space is always first come first serve. The morning classes are less crowded.

What’s with the Heat?

We’re glad you asked! For the Hot Yoga Classes, our studios are set to 105 degrees with 50% humidity. We use infrared and forced air heat. The heat is used as a tool. It is here to help move blood flow and promote circulation. It is meant to mimic the weather conditions in India where this yoga originated. All we want is for you to sweat to help move blood so it brings oxygen to your internal systems and starts stimulating the body to regenerate itself.

Benefits of the heat: 

  • Muscle flexibility increases

  • The vascular system dilates, increasing oxygen uptake at the cellular level 

  • Heart rate increases without the bodily strain of a high impact cardio workout

  • Mental focus improves – through pure Will Power, we learn to relax in the intensity of the heat, thus training students to override the “fight or flight” response

What do I wear?

We suggest wearing something you feel comfortable sweating in. You will come out of class feeling as wet as if you were in a swimming pool. Wear as little or as much as you feel comfortable. We don’t notice what you are wearing its more important to us that you are there and feel comfortable.

Can I shower and store my belongings at the studio if I need to go somewhere after class?

We have showers! Lockers are located in the dressing rooms and are for daily use only. We offer yoga mat storage too!

What’s the best way to prepare for class?

Come to class well hydrated and nourished. You might NOT want to eat a large meal right before class, but you do need glucose to burn. Hydrate extra BEFORE class. This usually means taking an extra two liters or more of water before class. You’ll be glad you did.

What should I bring?

We encourage you to bring a mat, towel and water. We do have all of these items here for purchase or rent if you forget or need new equipment. A larger bath or beach towel may be handy to help you not slip on your mat during some postures. Again, do what you are comfortable with.

How is this different than exercise? What makes this yoga?

Many activities that we do in our daily life that involve exercise, fitness and body movement are some form of sports. Running is a sport. Cycling is a sport etc… This form of yoga combines multiple healing modalities of breath work, i.e. specific deep breathing exercises, compression of major organs, sweating in heat, mediation techniques and energy movement. The combination of all of these alternative-healing modalities (along with many other things) is what starts to make this different than most body movement activities we may be accustom to. Yoga is a traditional form of healing used for countless years.
Specifically at this school we study Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga is the study of the art of the asana. We use physical asana specifically form and technique based instruction, to get to know our bodies. We start the process of getting to know ourselves better or deepen our mind body connect by observing our bodies while we move them. It is never about physically being able to move our bodies or how well we do an asana but rather the self-exploration of observing our own bodies while doing these movements. This will be completely different to anything you have experienced.

How many times a week is recommended to see benefits?

We guarantee that with at least 2-3 classes per week, you will see and feel results. You will notice benefits no matter your level of commitment. We suggest to start with the introductory month to allow your body to get used to being here and to also see how many classes you can realistically fit into your schedule. After your month is up you can see how much you can realistically work this practice into your schedule.
Our teachers and many students practice daily. This is not something you need to let your body “rest” from. This is a healing, regenerating series designed to move blood flow, circulation, and stimulate the internal systems of the body. The more you commit to yourself and the more time you give to yourself the more benefits you will receive.